Mothers’ Union
We have 80 members – new members are always welcome! Of these about 50-60 attend regularly and are very committed to the Aims of the M.U. Our weekly meetings, held on the 2nd and 4th Monday’s of the month at 2.00pm in the Parish Centre and are in the format of a Church Service, with hymns, prayers and a speaker.
We also have a team of members who assist the clergy in welcoming those families who wish to bring forward their children for Baptism.
We meet monthly with the ladies from the other Churches in the Town, and also have Meetings with our fellow members from the other Branches in the Chester-le-Street Deanery – Fatfield (St. George’s), Lumley (Christ Church) and Washington (Holy Trinity).
We enjoy fun and fellowship on Social Occasions – participating in concerts, murder mystery evenings – days out (which always include a meal). Here in Chester-le-Street we also organise Coffee Mornings, the proceeds going to our less fortunate members overseas’. If you would be interested in joining, then please contact the Parish Office.