Parish Centre Regular Activities
Informal Church Service 11am
Messy Church (2nd Sunday of the month) 4pm
Morning Prayer 9.15am - 9.45am
Cafe 10am - 1pm
Chi Kung 10am - 11am, contact Janet Thompson on 07746223530
Cardiac Rehab 1am - 3pm, by appointment only
Mother’s Union (2nd & 4th Monday of the month) 2pm - 3pm, contact Sue Begg on 0191 4106595
Townswomen’s Guild (2nd & 3rd Monday of the month) 7pm, contact Doreen Yeates on 0191 3886224
Circuit Training 5.45pm, contact Craig Horne on 0191 3871793
Morning Prayer 9.15am - 9.45am
Cafe 10am - 1pm
Tuesday Rhyme Time Baby & Toddler Group (term time) 9.30am - 10.30am
Keep Fit Association (KFA) 10am - 11am
Church Small Group 2pm - 3pm
Warm Spaces 2pm - 4pm
Stretch & Tone 6pm - 7pm
Morning Prayer 9.15am - 9.45am
Cafe 10am - 1pm
Aerobics (KFA) 10am - 11am
U3A History Class (2nd Wednesday of the month) 10am
Church Home Group (fortnightly) 10.30am
Cardiac Rehab 1pm - 3pm, by appointment only
Magikats 3.30pm - 5.30pm, contact Joe Hodson on 07843812697
Keep Fit Association (KFA) 7pm - 8pm
Morning Prayer 9.15am - 9.45am
Cafe 10am - 1pm
Keep Fit Association (KFA) 10am - 11am
Patchwork Group 10am - 12noon
Church Bric-a-brac Stall 10am - 1pm
Pimms & Needles (3rd Thursday of the month) 7pm - 9pm
Cafe 10am - 1pm
CAP Job Club 10am - 12.30pm
Chi Kung 1pm - 2pm, contact Janet Thompson on 07746223530
Warm Spaces 2pm - 4pm
Creative Ministry Group 6pm - 7pm
Circuit Training 5.45pm contact Craig Horne on 0191 3871793
Table Top Sale & Cafe 10am - 1pm (1st Saturday of the month), to hire a table at £10 contact the Parish Centre Office